Selective Filmography (2001-2008)

Production & Directing: Josef Demian & Erika Józsa Demian

Cinematography & Editing: Josef Demian

Reporter & Script: Erika Józsa Demian

 Filmed in Australia, New Zealand and South America 

JED Productions (Sydney)


Professor PAULAY's eartquake proof buildings 58min / 2005
Paulay Tamás - a földrengéstudós
Wine out of stone 14min / 2006
aki a kőből bort fakasztott

new life - old traditions 50min / 2005

a legdélibb délvidékiek

where the blue bird flies part I. 55min & II. 55min/ 2007

the favelas of rio
a kék madár nyomában

Kunz, australian stories 52min/ 2004

ausztralia krónikása kunz egon

the Sydney bushman 25min/ 2005

a sydneyi erdőlakó
new zealand the last frontiere- 50min / 2003
Magyarok a maorik földjén

kossuth's descendents in uruguay 15min/ 2007

Kossuth unokák Uruguayban
MELBOURNE’56 34min / 2006